Our teaching team is highly skilled, experienced, and insightful. Private consults now available for solo and professional development.

Our Team

  • Lyra La Belle poses hands on hips looking at the camera. She is wearing a red dress and yellow flame eye makeup.

    Lyra La Belle


    What is your role in Hot Sauce?

    Director, Head Hottie, Teacher, Producer and Mama La Belle to a bunch of Hotties.

    What draws you to burlesque?

    Everything. I love how inclusive it is as an art form. That someone like me - a woman in her mid 40s with a post baby belly can find a place not only to perform, but to THRIVE. I love the femme power of burlesque - while we are an inclusive space - burlesque in its essence is feminist. I love seeing my students own themselves again in a powerful, loving and fierce way. It still astounds me how many people come to Hot Sauce with a deep internal hatred towards their bodies. I love how the elements of burlesque - bump, grind, poses, connection and COMMUNITY - help them to discover their own incredible sexiness. Burlesque - as an observer, a student or a performer - can change lives.

    Image by Soda Street Productions

  • Lizzy Baker, a white dancer poses in a leopard suit leotard against a leopard print background. She looks directly at the camera, hands behind her head, wearing hair in a long high ponytail.

    Lizzy Baker


    What is your role in Hot Sauce?

    I bring my love of pop and grindy rnb, combine it with classical ballet training, throw in a pinch of golden era Hollywood Cyd Charisse and a whole lot of Bob Fosse to create classes that are one of a kind. Infamous for being the technically demanding Hot Sauce teacher, in reality I have a deep love for allowing beginner and new dancers shine and surprise themselves with what they are capable of. Above all else, classes are FUN. If you can’t have a good laugh while you’re dancing, what’s the point?

    What draws you to burlesque?

    I love Burlesque because it allows me to unapologetically celebrate my femininity in a profoundly feminist way. It gives me space to be sensual and to claim my love for my own body in all its wonderful facets. And it is joyous and sexy, in a world that sometimes forget life is for smiles and love, not just doom and gloom. But best of all, I love the fierce community of self loving (and by extension, each other loving!) humans it surrounds me with.

    Image by Morgan Sett

  • Letitia Stitch, a burlesque dancer holds feather fans above her head. She is illuminated in blue light, wearing a dark coloured costume. She stands onstage against a sparkling gold and brick background.

    Letitia Stitch


    What is your role in Hot Sauce?

    I'm a teacher at Hot Sauce Burlesque

    What draws you to burlesque?

    I love the costumes and the creativity. There's nothing like diving in to a new idea and seeing where it takes you, or being inspired by the sensational narratives fellow performers bring to the stage. I adore the glitter and glamour, the sultry moves, and the sense of community it brings.

    Image by Gemma Rose Photography

  • Connie Curveball


    What is your role in Hotsauce?

    I was brought onto the Hotsauce team to teach the fundamentals of classic/traditional burlesque. My students will also learn about poise, lines and strong posing.

    What draws you to burlesque?
    For me I was immediately drawn to the lavish costumes and sheer glamour of it all. But honestly as someone who has grown up in dance and theatre, having another platform for self expression makes me incredibly happy and is one of the big reasons I do this.

    Image by Soda Street Productions

  • A photo of Bunnie Bon Bon in a pink sparkly dress looking flirty and directly into the camera with a gorgeous smile.

    Bunnie Bon Bon


    What is your role in Hot Sauce?

    I am a Hot Sauce teacher, with a background in musical theatre, an eye for characterisation and communication, and a firm grounding in the cornerstones of burlesque technique.

    What draws you to burlesque?

    For me, burlesque brings the all rounder appeal of a multitude of arts and performance styles together in an empowering and uplifting stagecraft. All performers bring their own unique talents and skills to a sensual celebration for their audience. It is a joy to perform, and an absolute delight to behold.

    Image by Empress Eyrie

  • Saskia on stage in all pink with a her hands gesturing under her breasts making a stank face.



    What is your role in Hot Sauce?

    I am a burlesque teacher specialising in comedy and theatrics.

    Although these things are usually what you'd expect from a neo routine, classic burlesque was born from them! I love adding a bit of comedy and sass to every performance.

    What draws me to burlesque?

    Burlesque allows me to freely express myself through performance art, in the way I want an audience to experience it. My body, emotions, creativity, and energy presented on my terms. It's beautiful, it's ugly, it's wonderful and it's weird. It's whatever you want it to be. It's not just all rhinestones and chiffon (although I love a good sparkle moment), it's storytelling and you get to be the narrator!

    Image by Brent Leideritz

  • Miss Curvella


    What is your roll in Hot Sauce?

    To draw out your inner goddess and become a seductive siren onstage or off. Connect with your body, music and the audience through badass routines. Curvella's classes are always fun with good vibes!

    What draws you to burlesque?

    There's just something about the are of tease. Having everyone's eyes on you, sitting on the edge of their seats with anticipation. Owning one's self onstage and oozing confidence whatever size, age or gender.

    Image by Joel Devereux

  • A black and white photo of Serafina Sinclair, looking deeply into the camera with her left arm on her chin an the other place out in front of her.

    Serafina Sinclair

    She/ Her

    What is your roll in Hot Sauce?

    I’m Lyra La Belle’s PA and I support her with admin and event coordination. If I’m not with Lyra, you’ll find me teaching classes!

    What draws you to Burlesque?

    Burlesque for me is an escape from the monotonous day to day and into a bygone era, there’s something magical about it, it’s hard to put into words.

    There is a place for every single person within this art from- it’s also a bloody good excuse to buy crystals, delicious costumes and invest in yourself.

    Image by Serfina Sinclair

  • Remi Reign


    What is your role in Hot Sauce?

    I am a Hot Sauce teacher with a background in pole dance & platform heels. Having 4 years burlesque performing experience and 8 years in pole dance, my burlesque style is grounded in improv & neo having elements and influences from both styles.

    What draws you to burlesque?

    Comedy & satire was what pulled me in. Being able to express your personality through burlesque, combine diverse dance styles and use creative license to create a unique spin on the style - you can never tire of the theatrics of it all!
    The glitter, the glamour and the rawness are all reasons I’ve fallen more in love with this style over the years. The sheer power a performance can have over your emotions to leave you joyful, sad, bratty – it’s not always just about the strip, it’s the tease and influence this industry brings.

    Image by Solitude & Co

  • Lylah Bloom

  • Ember Rose


    What is your role in Hot Sauce?

    My role at Hot Sauce is Hen’s Party Host and teacher. I host, teach and perform at Hen’s parties around Adelaide as well as teaching classes throughout the week.

    What draws you to burlesque?

    I have been performing since I was 4. I’ve always loved story telling, being onstage, moving my body and, most of all, all things sparkly Burlesque is all that (and more).

    I fell in love with Burlesque when I performed the musical ‘Gypsy’ - a show about the infamous Gypsy Rose Lee. I fell in love with the notion that you don’t always have to be the best at something to be successful. Having grown up in the dance world, I really appreciate that Burlesque is an inclusive art form that allows me to be whatever shape or size without having to worry if I’m “doing it right”. Burlesque unleashes a confidence onstage that I didn’t know I was capable of.

    Image by Solitude & Co

  • A colour portrait of Bo Dacious. She has white skin and blonde curled hair and holding a set of feather fans across her body and behind her head.

    Bo Dacious


    What is your role in Hot Sauce?

    Admin, IT support and chief feather fan repairer!

    What draws you to burlesque?

    It gives me the ability to promote body positivity and to express myself in a way I haven't been able to before. I love everything about it - our community, the costumes, the dancing and the ability to make the crowd roar and feel uncomfortable at the same time.

    Image by Rebekah Ryan Photography

  • Willow J in a beautiful gown, in her Miss Burlesque sash and Crown, gesturing with her hands a crown on her head.

    Willow J - Back Soon


    What is your role in Hot Sauce?

    I am a Hottie's teacher influenced by old school bump n grind crossed with neo Burlesque. With 20+ in the burlesque/theatre industry, I combine my skills of acting, dance, erotic movement, butoh, and character to create choreography that is sometimes sensual classic burlesque, sometimes comical and clownish, sometimes dark and weird but always fun and joyful! I'm here to take you out of everyday life and bring you into your body and joy through playfulness, character exploration and a damn good time!

    What draws you to burlesque?

    EVERYTHING! The community, the inclusivity, the creative freedom, the space it gives for people to claim their sensuality and step up and say "This is me, this is MY body, this is MY sexual expression, I'm here and I OWN it!." Not to mention the glitter, the glam, the feathers and fabulousness that is BURLESQUE!

    Image by Joel Devereux

  • Nona Mona in all silver grey her right arm up in the air with a huge smile on her face looking glamorous.

    Nona Mona - Back Soon


    What is your role?

    Dance Teacher

    What draws you to burlesque?

    The mush of sparkles, feathers, sex, movement and comedy.

    Image by Miss Demo Photography